Minnesota Step Therapy Advocacy Day

Minnesota State Office Building 100 Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard, Saint Paul, MN, United States

Join NPF and fellow Minnesotans as we meet with our state legislators to discuss step therapy and other critical access-to-care issues on Tuesday, March 13th for the Minnesota Step Therapy Advocacy Day.
The day will begin with a briefing in the morning followed by
legislative visits in the afternoon.

American Diabetes Association Call to Congress 2018

Washington, DC Washington

This coming March 21 - 23, Diabetes Advocates from across the country will gather in Washington, D.C. to share their stories and urge Congress to join us in fighting diabetes. During this inspiring 3-day event, Diabetes Advocates will have the opportunity to network with other advocates from around the country, have face-to-face meetings with members […]

St. Paul Mother’s Day Rally for Affordable Insulin

Minnesota Capitol Hill 105 University Ave W, Saint Paul, MN, United States

The St. Paul/Minneapolis chapter of the Right Care Alliance, a grassroots coalition of patients, health care professionals and community members, will hold a rally on Saturday May 12, on the steps of the state capital to protest insulin price increases which has made this essential drug unaffordable...

Insulin Affordability Rally

Minnesota Capitol Hill 105 University Ave W, Saint Paul, MN, United States

Insulin Affordability Rally - Tuesday, March 5 - 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. - Minnesota State Capitol, St. Paul, E-mail MNinsulin4all@gmail.com for more information.   Registration at http://main.diabetes.org/site/Survey?ACTION_REQUIRED=URI_ACTION_USER_REQUESTS&SURVEY_ID=63981